Friday, April 27, 2012

Production Bumper Pre

This is the write up for my production bumper (rough)

We are going to model the production bumper for this company off the logo of the company. The logo of the company is looks a lot like a snake so were going to play of that. Our idea for the bumper starts with a white snake moving on a black background leaving a white trail as he moves the sand. The snake will slither away from the screen into the sunset. When he hits it the screen will flash and the logo will appear in place of the sun. While that’s happening, underneath it, the name of the company will fade in.

Color Scheme: Black and white up until the logo appears on the horizon. The logo is purple and silver.

Font Choice for name of Production Company:

Soundtrack: A clip from The Weinstein Company soundtrack will play during the lens flare. The snake slithering sound will be a soundtrack clip from a BBC show called “Serpent.”

Name: Silver Gems Productions

Genre: Big screen action movies like Alien, Rambo, Rocky. They have also done some television shows similar to The Unit and Southland.

Audience: This bumper would be seen by mostly be males 18 to 30 as that is Silver Gems target audience age.

Content Acquisition: The Logo has been created by me in Photoshop. All the motion graphics in the bumper will be created by me in After Effects and Photoshop. The sound in the bumper will be borrowed from other things. The sound made when the horizon reveals the logo will be a part of the Weinstein Company’s bumper.

Motion: Up until approximately 6 seconds the bumper will be a white snake slithering away from the audience towards the horizon. The snake will leave white semi circles of disturbed sand. Then when the snake touches the horizon the sun will do a lens flare and when that clears the logo will be left. The lens flare to the end of the bumper will be about 4 -5 seconds.

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